Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Digital Materials Cost Effectiveness in Education


    Concerning students seeking higher education are the increasing cost of tuition and learning materials. In the Ashford University Library, an article that describes the effects, benefits, and advantages of instructional technology on learner achievement is by Moro, J. (2018), "The Emergence of Digital Course Materials in Higher Education and Their Effectiveness in Teaching and Engaging Students." This article addresses the widespread use of digital materials in education as well as the cost-effectiveness in comparison to the traditional textbook. “Today’s students and professors have a variety of course materials at their disposal, from traditional publishers, such as Pearson and Cengage, and new companies, such as OpenStax, providing digital products at a reduced cost” (Moro, J. (2018) p. 418, par. 3). Moro asserts that many students are unwilling or unable to pay for expensive course materials and will use other options to obtain learning materials at the lowest possible price. Both instructors and students want improved products. Teachers wish for products that will give them a deeper understanding of what is going on with their students learning outside of the classroom so that they can better address their needs inside of it. “Examples of products by Cengage, OpenStax, and Pearson show the development and release of materials that are moving in the right direction, engaging students in different ways and taking advantage of what technology has to offer by providing an improved experience over what a print text alone can” (Moro, J. (2018) p. 428, par. 1). To ensure that students understand the content and are engaged instructors want the ability to customize and assess using features such as media assets and print capabilities. Today's students have access to a variety of devices that were once perceived to be distracting in a classroom setting. According to the author, these devices should be seen as valuable teaching tools that can help students engage with content in new ways.

   The key reason to use digital materials in the classroom is to increase accessibility, which is essential in an online learning environment. I define accessibility in two ways: Location-based availability and accessibility for diverse learners. Location-based availability is being able to access material on any device at any time, at home, school or anywhere. Using traditional paper-based materials this is not possible. An example, a student receives homework but leaves it at school, he has no way to do the assignment.

   Similarly, if homework is finished but forgotten and left at home, the student can not submit it. Digital materials can be retrieved on any device providing an internet connection is available. Accessibility for diverse learners can be crucial because it allows for a more user-friendly medium for diverse learners or students with disabilities.


Moro, J. (2018). The Emergence of Digital Course Materials in Higher Education and Their   Effectiveness in Teaching and Engaging Students. Publishing Research Quarterly, 34(3), 417–429.